Roger Sterling: Look, I want to tell you something because your very dear to me and I hope you understand it comes from the bottom of my damaged, damaged heart. You are the finest piece of ass I ever had and I don't care who knows it. I am so glad I got to roam those hillsides.
Joan: Stop it.

That's life. One minute, you're on top of the world. The next, some secretary is running over your foot with a lawn motor.

Peggy, this is isn't China. There's no money in virginity.

Bob: I'm thinking about you Joan. Is this what you want? To be near 40 in a two bedroom apartment with a mother and a little boy? I know I am flawed, but I am offering you more than anyone else ever will.
Joan: No, you're not Bob. Because I want love, and I'd rather die hoping that happens than make some arrangement.

Greg: The army makes me feel like a good man.
Joan: You're not a good man. You never were.

One day you'll lose someone who's important to you. You'll see. It's very painful.

You want to be taken seriously? Stop dressing like a little girl.

No matter how powerful we get around here, they can still just draw a cartoon. So all you've done is prove to them that I'm a meaningless secretary, and you're another humorless bitch.

Aren't you darling? You're going to be gangbusters.

Joan: Not very subtle are they?
Takahashi: No, they are not.

Joan: Well I learned a long time ago to not get all my satisfaction form this job.
Peggy: That's bullshit!

Roger, if you had your way, I would be stranded in some paperweight with my legs stuck in the air.