Joan: You're so arrogant.
Joey: Me? What do you do around here besides walking around like you're trying to get raped?
Joan: Excuse me?
Joey: I'm not some young girl off the bus. I don't need some madame from a Shanghai whorehouse to show me the ropes.

Joan: I really think this vending machine is a trouble maker.
Lane: I think it's been a great success. Revenue is climbing. I was gonna suggest we get a sandwich machine We'd probably get 40% of the work force keeping busy through lunch.
Joan: Or we'd end up with a bunch of fat secretaries who think the whole afternoon is lunch time because there's always another sandwich around the corner.

No matter how powerful we get around here, they can still just draw a cartoon. So all you've done is prove to them that I'm a meaningless secretary, and you're another humorless bitch.

Greg dying is not a solution to this.

I'm not a solution to your problems. I'm another problem.

Joan: Well I learned a long time ago to not get all my satisfaction form this job.
Peggy: That's bullshit!

In a nutshell it all comes down to what I want versus what is expected of me.


I know a girl who had your job who ended up with everything.

Greg: The army makes me feel like a good man.
Joan: You're not a good man. You never were.

Peggy: Someone dumped you?
Joan: Peggy, I'm just like everybody else.

Joan: But no flowers from you.
Don: You scared the shit out of me.

Pete: What would it take to make you a Queen?
Joan: I don't think you could afford it.