I have never asked that of you because you know why? Because I respect you. I thought that you could work and still be a parent, and I wish you could just pay me that same courtesy.

Julia: He's going to have bad teeth, but he tried.
Joel: Well, maybe the sugar buzz helps him study.

Joel: Okay, ya know what? That's my wife. Don't talk to her that way.
Victor: Whatever. She didn't even get arrested.

Joel: We should finalize it.
Julia: What?
Joel: I think we should finalize it. You know, talk to the lawyers, file the paperwork, dot the Is, cross the Ts. If there's anything that's going to tell our boy that he's a part of our family, that's it. I just think we need to, you know, take the leap.

Joel: I'm just excited about the possibility of working with you.
Pete: Woah - slow down Speed Racer, we're not there yet.

Julia: You know, I've only ever had the one job since grad school. I put all my eggs in one basket, and now that Leon is being vindictive, I'm screwed. And he deserves to be, because I messed up. He has every
Joel: Honey, you didn't screw up, you chose your children over your work.
Julia: Thank you, but that is revisionist, I got overwhelmed and I screwed up.

Were we even in the same conversation? You want to know what I heard? I heard a teacher telling us that we had a good kid. Can you take your finger off the nuclear launch button now?

We made a plan with his teacher that we were gonna to find him tutoring, we were gonna take a month and then we were gonna reevaluate. And that's what we're do. If you don't like it, talk to Ed. I'm goin' for a walk.

Joel: How do I set boundaries with your sister?
Julia: Her you just help.

Crosby: Are ya feelin' good?
Joel: Yeah
Crosby: Yeah? Nice.
Joel: Well, I'm drunk.
Crosby: Oh you are?! I could have never... It's imperceptible.

Julia: That's rude, though. Someone is ringing your doorbell, you answer the door.
Joel: You never answer the door.

Julia: I didn't come here to talk.
Joel: No you didn't. Ah. Wow. This is a first.
Julia: I mean, if you don't have time...
Joel: Oh no. I have time.

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes