I will be there for my son.

Joel: Julia, I am working right now, and I will see you whenever I get home.
Julia: Well, I'll see you whenever that is.

How could you do that to me? How could you do that to me? I would never have walked into your office with Leon Dengraff and treated him that way. I never wold have done that to him. I never would have done that to him. I never would have treated him that way and I never would have treat you that way. That could have cost me my job Julia.

No, I don't want to see a marriage counselor because the marriage is not the problem, the problem is you.

You want to fix it and I don't think it can be fixed.

Julia: Don't do it. Don't move out. It's not to late to change your mind, you know. We can just, we can work on the marriage and I can be different or try harder. Or just... Don't give up on me.
Joel: I'm so sorry, I wish we weren't at this point, but we are. I gotta go.

When I pick the kids up tomorrow, should I use the key or would it be better for you if I knocked?

Crosby: I really hope you guys can, you know can, find your way back. I know it's none of my business, but I just, you know, we love having you in our family and..I'm sorry, you know.
Joel: Thanks buddy. Thank you. Thank you. I completely get it. You know, I don't... I don't need to be the godfather.

Joel: And no I'm not willing to stop fighting for our children and for our marriage, but this, this wasn't my call. This wasn't my fight, so please don't dig in on this. Please. It's over now.
Julia: Well, whenever you're ready to fight for us, I'm here.

Zeek: Well, let me ask you something. What the hell are you doing?
Joel: What the hell am I doing? Well, I'm trying to figure things out, you know? Figuring things out.

Joel: You should have just seen him, Julia, he's melting down in front of me and I feel like all these abandonment issues are coming back and...
Julia: Because you moved out.

Julia: Joel, it's just too hard.
Joel: What?
Julia: You. Asking how I am and wanting to be there for me and it's confusing.
Joel: Well, I care about you and I care about the family and you know, I just want to make sure that...
Julia: Joel. I'm, I'm seeing someone.
Joel: Ahh. Ah. Yeah. I was just calling to see if Zeek was OK. So, we'll talk later. Bye.

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes