You know, honey if you're going to expect applause every time you do your job right, you should really ask your girlfriend because that dull as dishwater slut should be good for something.

Kate: Seriously though, you should be careful. He's out to crucify you, he's not going to let up.
Chad: Well he better or your ex-boy toy is going to find out that he's taken on the wrong guy.

Chad: We used each other. It's a special bond that only we can share.
Kate: My God, if you ever doubt that you're a DiMera remember this moment 'cause you are enjoying it only as a DiMera could.

Sami: Maybe he's just talking the talk.
Kate: Oh yeah, because that's so much like Stefano. No follow through.

First Kristen, now EJ and Stefano. What, is there a fire sale on corrupt officials?

Kate: It never occurred to me that you would be so deceitful.
Will: After years of watching you and mom and dad operate, what did you expect?

Kate: I think our protection really is that there's no way that even Stefano wants to explain to his grandchildren that he had their mommy and grandmama rubbed out.
Sami: Aw, the old softie.

Kate: I would know if he was going to take a hit out on us.
Sami: This is ridiculous. Do you think other families have conversations like these?

Kate: I could only get two trunkfuls of my things delivered tonight.
Sami: Aw, just the pointy hats and brooms?

Kate: Men are only as faithful as their options, Sami.
Sami: What is that, from the hooker handbook?

Kate: Sami, you said it yourself. We're not pals.
Sami: Yeah, yeah no kidding. But I did think we could get through this one deal before you pulled out the shiv again.

Kate: You were at EJ and Sami's wedding. So how did that go? Any surprises?
Lucas: Like what?
Kate: Gee, I don't know. Locust, sexually explicit videos, semi-automatic weapons?