Mrs. Kim: (referring to a Snickers bar) That is chocolate-covered death.
Rory: (taking a bite) With a creamy caramel surprise.

Rory: (enters Mrs. Kim's) Lane?
Lane: Go to the left! (Rory almost runs into Mrs. Kim)
Lane: Sorry, I meant my left. Your right!
Rory: This isn't working! Marco!
Lane: Polo!
Rory: (walking around) Marco!
Lane: Polo!
Rory: (finds Lane) Hello, Marco!
Lane: Hello, Polo!

Lorelai: Hey, guys, I have an idea. What about, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you know, when I go to Hartford for my business class, what if Lane comes along, and you guys can shop and study and join a cult and shave your heads?
Lane: Really?
Lorelai: All except the shaving your heads part.
Lane: Oh, no. What time is it?
Rory: 6:30.
Lane: I'm late for dinner.
Lorelai: Again? Lane, you mother is gonna kill me if I keep sending you home fed and happy.
Lane: I'm sorry. But she found a website that sells tofu in bulk.
Lorelai: Oh, you're kidding, right?
Lane: Yesterday, she went out and bought a bigger fridge.
Lorelai: Boy, now, your life is scary.

Mrs. Kim: So, how was school? None of the girls get pregnant, drop out?
Lane: Not that we know of.
Rory: Though come to think of it, Joanna Posner was glowing a little.
Mrs. Kim: What?
Lane: Nothing, Mama. She's just kidding.
Mrs. Kim: Boys don't like funny girls.
Rory: Noted.

Lane: Koreans never joke about future doctors. So, I guess you're not going, huh?
Rory: No, I'm still fuzzy on what's fun about sitting in the cold for two hours with a bundle of sticks up your butt.
Rory: Don't expect me to clear it up for you.

Lane: The party's on Friday. I gotta go. I have to have a pre-hayride cup of tea with a future doctor. How do I look? Korean?
Rory: Spitting image.
Lane: Good. Bye.

Rory: When are you going to let your parents know that you listen to the evil rock music? You're an American teenager, for God's sake.
Lane: Rory, if my parents still get upset over the obscene portion size of American food, I seriously doubt I'm gonna make any inroads with Eminem.

Lane: So I told my mom you're changing schools.
Rory: Was she thrilled?
Lane: The party's on Friday.

Rory: And we get to wear uniforms. No more having people check you out to see what jeans you're wearing 'cause everyone's dressed alike in boring clothes and just there to learn.
Lane: Okay, there's academic-minded and then there's Amish.

Rory: You know, it sucks that after all these years your mom still hates me.
Lane: She doesn't hate you.
Rory: She hates my mother.
Lane: She doesn't trust unmarried women.
Rory: You're unmarried.
Lane: I'm hayriding with a future proctologist. I have potential.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
