(Emily on the phone with Lorelai after finding out that Lorelai attended a cat's wake instead of her unknown cousin's funeral)
Lorelai: It's late, I have a big day tomorrow.
Emily: You're going to a raccoon's wedding?

Mr. Medina: I think we should date.
Lorelai: Why?
Mr. Medina: Because I think we both want to.
Lorelai: Well I want to be in the Bangles but that doesn't mean I quit my job and get a guitar and ruin my life to be a Bangle, does it?
Mr. Medina: The Bangles broke up.
Lorelai: Yeah, that's not the point.

Lorelai: Life is a funny funny thing, huh?
Sookie: Yeah I love that Jim Carrey.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Jim Carrey. He's just -- he's just -- funny.
Lorelai: He is funny but I didn't mean funny, funny. I'm being philosophical.
Sookie: Oh. Very serious face. Jean-Paul Sartre.

Lorelai: (to Max) I'm going to be in town tomorrow because I take a class at Hartford State and there's a coffee shop across the street that I sometimes, almost all the time, go to around 4:00 and usually exactly 4:12. I could not stop a person from entering said establishment around that time, nor would I avoid them if I knew them if they did.

(After Lorelai is snippy to her)
Rory: Ooooh, she's cranky this morning.
Lorelai: Let's just say the world's got a formidable opponent.

Michel: Fine, I shall be French, but I shall not be happy.
Lorelai: Then you will be yourself. Good choice! (pats him on the back)

Michel: I don't know how many French people you've met over the years, but most of them are insufferable.
Lorelai: Really!
Michel: That is why I left France.
Lorelai: Huh. I thought it had something to do with the torches, and the villagers.

Lorelai: Are you holding that door open for a reason?
Headmaster Charleston: Our meeting is over.
Lorelai: Like hell it is.

Lorelai: (looking at the antler marks on the side of the Jeep) You did. You got hit by a deer.
Rory: It just came out of nowhere.
Lorelai: You couldn't just run into a wall like other kids?

Lorelai: I'll still love you even if you can't support me in my old age in the fabulous manner to which I plan on growing accustomed.
Rory: I'll remember that selfless gesture.

Lorelai: How much longer are we gonna look for this crazy deer?
Rory: Just a little further. I just hope he didn't hurt himself.
Lorelai: I just hope he has insurance.

Mr. Medina: Lorelai, please believe me. If there was anything I could do, I would.
Lorelai: Yes, you could let her take the test.
Mr. Medina: I'm afraid I can't.
Lorelai: But that's not fair!
Headmaster Charleston: Ms. Gilmore, we are not here to be fair. We are here to educate.
Lorelai: Yes, and I'm asking you to please educate my kid!
Headmaster Charleston: We will, when she's on time.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
