Luke: Coffee, and fries (looks at Rory as she's sipping her coffee). I can't stand it. This is so unhealthy. Rory, please. Put down that cup of coffee. You do not want to grow up to be like your mom.
Rory: Sorry, too late.

Red meat can kill you. Enjoy.

Lorelai: (holding up a coffee cup) What? It's not for me. It's for Rory, I swear.
Luke: You're shameless.
Lorelai: Look, Officer Krupke, she's right at that table right over there.

Luke: Coffee...fries. I can't stand it. This is so unhealthy. Rory, please, put down that cup of coffee. You do not want to grow up to be like your mom.
Rory: Sorry, too late.

Lorelai: Please, Luke. Please, please, please.
Luke: How many cups have you had this morning?
Lorelai: None.
Luke: Plus...
Lorelai: Five, but yours is better.
Luke: You have a problem.
Lorelai: Yes, I do.
Luke: Junkie.
Lorelai: Angel. You've got wings, baby.

Lorelai: I had a plan, damn it.
Luke: Me, too. Next time you're getting tea.

Luke: (getting her coffee) Do you want to know what this stuff does to your central nervous system?
Lorelai: Ooh, do you have a chart? 'Cause I love charts.
Luke: Forget it, kill yourself.

Luke: What are you doing here?
Lorelai: See, now, that's why you were voted Mr. Personality of the New Millennium. Where's your crown?
Luke: I just mean you don't usually come in at this time.
Lorelai: Well, I have to pick up Rory from school. (Luke pours her some coffee) Thank you.
Luke: You're welcome.
Lorelai: No lectures?
Luke: My blood sugar's low. I'll eat an apple and get back to you.
Lorelai: Hm. God, this has been one hectic, bizarro day for me.
Luke: Yeah?
Lorelai: Yeah. This morning with the being late, and my mother with her existing. Oh, and this father, this father from Chilton, he, uh, drove out to the inn all the way from Hartford just to ask me out.
Luke: Really? You going?
Lorelai: No. He's got a kid in school with Rory, and the whole thing just seemed a little weird.
Luke: Oh, good.
Lorelai: Good?
Luke: Yeah, I think it's good that you turned him down.
Lorelai: Okay.
Luke: I mean, he's probably old, right?
Lorelai: Old?
Luke: Yeah. I mean, he's got a kid in high school.
Lorelai: Well, so do I.
Luke: Yeah, but you were young when you had Rory. Most people aren't that young. Most people are, uh. . .
Lorelai: Old.
Luke: Yeah.
Lorelai: Like this guy who asked me out.
Luke: But you're not going.
Lorelai: No, I'm not going.
(Luke nods and looks down. Lorelai smiles to herself)

Luke: There's no coffee.
Lorelai: That's not funny.
Luke: I can give you herbal tea.
Lorelai: This is not an herbal tea morning. This is a coffee morning.
Luke: Every morning for you is a coffee morning.
Lorelai: This is a jumbo coffee morning. I need coffee in an IV.
Luke: I can give you tea and a Balance bar.
Lorelai: Please, please, please, tell me you're kidding!
Luke: I'm kidding.
Lorelai: You're sick.
Luke: Yup.
Lorelai: You're a sadist, you're a fiend! (Luke brings her coffee) You're pretty.

Luke: I thought you were starving.
Lorelai: Things change. Move on.

Rory: (to Lorelai) I'm not hungry. I had a big lunch at the club.
Luke: (walking over) With all the other devastators of our land.
Rory: Luke, I'm really sorry. I didn't know.

Lorelai: (speaking to Luke) Wow, you look nice. Really nice.
Luke: I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. You look nice, too.
Lorelai: I had a flagellation to go to.
Luke: So, what'll you have?
Lorelai: Coffee, in a vat.
Rory: I'll have coffee also. And chili fries.
Luke: That's quite a refined palate you got there.
(Luke walks to the counter)
Lorelai: (to Rory) Behold the healing powers of a bath.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
