Megan: You look pretty dapper yourself
Marco: I was gonna go all out with the musk, but then I remembered it's a straight crowd

Megan: He's a completely different person. He's sober, employed
Marco: I do love a girl with low standards

Megan: But if he has changed, he should be the one to call, he's the grown up here
Marco: Honey, we're all grown ups now
Megan [to her stuffed animal]: Don't listen to him Mr. Cow

Megan: This is the type of place most kids go to school
Sage: Now I know why there's so much crime in this country

Rose: Are you sure this is the right place?
Megan: Welcome to the public school system girls
Sage: Oh that reminds me, I forgot to TiVo prison break

Megan: A doctor that does house calls, how quaint
Marco: He gets $5,000 a day
Megan: By quaint I mean holy crap

Megan: Good morning ladies!
Sage: Okay that "first thing in the morning chipper voice" you do has to stop

Megan: I hooked you up with an organization called "Once Upon a Dress." They provide donated dresses to high school girls who can't afford them for prom and home homecoming
Sage: So they wear used dresses? I'd sooner borrow someone's tooth brush

Marco: How's my little Jackie Collins doing?
Megan: Huh?
Marco: In my heart your up here writing trashy romance novels, don't take that away from me

Megan: We can talk about it as long as you want and if its really upsetting to you then..
Sage: Then you'll leave us alone? Then okay, we're really upset. Bye

Charlie: Not every guy is gonna cheat on you
Megan: You say there but I haven't told you about the hot blond in Jacob's office
Charlie: Here we go
Megan: I'm not crazy. There was a vibe!
Charlie: I'm sure there was. You're still crazy

Megan: Who said I'm not ready?
Charlie: Another question for your therapist, by the way which I'm not

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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