Bowling with Bailey... that sounds fun.

Teddy: How's Christina?
Owen: She's Fine.
Meredith: She's fishing.
Teddy: She's fishing?! Why?
Meredith: Ask him.
Owen: Have you got any better ideas?
Teddy: No.

Owen: Alright! Blue team wins.
April: Blue team wins? Blue team wins!

Patients don't suddenly die, it just seems that way when you stop paying attention. Food for thought.

(to Cristina) There you are. I knew you were in there somewhere. End this day, good or bad, we're going to go home together.

Owen: I like the dark new scrubs on you. You look good. Are you okay?
Cristina: My patient deserves a doctor.
Owen: You don't have to cut, no ones asked you to...
Cristina: I know what's being asked of me and I'm doing it.

Cristina: Would you love me if I wasn't a surgeon?
Owen: I would love you if you were a plumber, but would you love you if you weren't a surgeon?
Cristina: I don't know, maybe?

I'm not going anywhere Cristina. I'm not going anywhere without you.

Owen: That was quite a show this morning.
Derek: I didn't plan it.
Owen: That made it even better. Any regrets?
Derek: No, any regrets to proposing to Cristina?
Owen: None.
Derek: Getting shot turns out to not be the worst thing after all.
Owen: I need a best man. I know I know we're not that close, but I don't know, you being married to the other twisted sister I just thought it makes us brothers or something.
Derek: I'd be honored. It's an honor.
Owen: Thank you.
Derek: You need a bachelor party?
Owen: No.
Derek: Even better.

Owen: Lets move in together. Good, you cant answer. That's good I don't want you to, I ran it past my shrink and she thinks it's a good idea. So think about it. Me, you, our own place.
Cristina: Yes.
Owen: What! Yes?
Cristina: Yes, but I need to warn you that this is my fourth martini and my judgment is severely impaired. Also, I'm a real easy lay right now.

Owen: You have a cold. It could have happened to any of us.
Teddy: Yeah but it didn't. It was me. On the day that Sheppard is interviewing Evans for my job and I am the new girl here who nobody really knows and even Yang is in love with Evans. And I have a freaking cold!

Owen: You scared of me?
Christina: I don't want to be.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
