PRESTON: "How's your father O'Malley, anything new?"
GEORGE: "He needs an endoscopy, and Bailey won't let me be the intern on his case. But she said I could pick someone else, and I was wondering if Cristina could be the intern on his case."
PRESTON: "That shouldn't be a problem."
CRISTINA: "Uh, yes it is! We have corartendoctonectomy scheduled at noon."
PRESTON: "I'll push it, O'Malley's father deserves the best!"

PRESTON: "Why are you acting like the sky is falling?"
CRISTINA: "The sky isn't falling. It already fell. George knows."
PRESTON: "I was in surgery for 14 hours yesterday and no tremor."
CRISTINA: "Yeah, with me by your side ready to jump in."

PRESTON: "I haven't had a tremor in a week."
CRISTINA: "George knows. And this is not any surgery. You're operating on his father."
PRESTON: "I am aware of that and I am fine."
CRISTINA: "Well, he's going to do something. I know him. He's not gonna just stand by and say nothing."
PRESTON: "There's nothing to say. I had a tremor and now I don't."

Cristina: We need a strategy. We have to figure out our story and come up with a plan.
PRESTON: "Cristina, you are too intense."
CRISTINA: "I am too intense? I have been working my ass off making sure nobody here knows. Running your board, learning surgical procedures I shouldn't have to know until my fifth year covering you."
PRESTON: "You're covering me? And I haven't been covering you?"
CRISTINA: "Excuse me?"
PRESTON: "I'm just saying. We're a team."

PRESTON: "Anything you would have done different, Dr. Hahn?"
DR. HAHN: "Given the size of the wound, I would've given up sooner. So how have you been, Preston? Last time I saw you, you stole my patient's heart. Then you got shot. Karma rocks."
PRESTON: "What brings you all the way from Seattle Presbyterian to Seattle Grace?"
DR. HAHN: "A consult. And knowing how much my being here would annoy you."
PRESTON: "Oh, on the contrary. It's always a pleasure. Though not as much as when you leave."

CRISTINA: "We crossed the line. Together. I crossed the line with you."
PRESTON: "You dragged me across the line. You made us a team. You told Shepherd I was fine. You said nobody has to know. I was out there on my own. You made us a team.
CRISTINA: "I did what you needed me to do. You were standing there looking at me telling me your whole life was your hands, if you couldn't operate, if you couldn't be Preston Burke."
PRESTON: "That was your concern, not mine!"

CRISTINA: "When you got shot, I walked away. And you cannot let that go, can you? I'm sticking now. I'm sticking. Do you know how tired I am? Do you know how scared I am every time we go into surgery? But I do it, for you."
PRESTON: "Do you know how scared I am when we go into surgery? I don't have to just worry about my career now. I have to put yours on my back too."
CRISTINA: "We are a team!"
PRESTON: "There is no team. There is no team! There is only me, once again, making allowances for your emotional shortcomings!"
CRISTINA: [pauses] "We shouldn't say anymore."
PRESTON: [pauses] "No. We shouldn't."

DEREK: "I thought you were my friend."
PRESTON: "I thought you were my surgeon."

RICHARD: "Why are you researching neurosurgeons when you and I both know that Derek's better than anybody?"
PRESTON: "I don't want Shepherd."
RICHARD: "You blame this on him? Up until now, I have not yelled. I have not yelled because you are a guy in trouble and I was supporting you. But now I am yelling!"
PRESTON: "Chief-"
RICHARD: "I am yelling very loudly! I wanna retire, Burke! I want my wife back and I passed the torch to you! I passed the torch to you and you blew it out!"
PRESTON: "I know I let you down."
RICHARD: "Burke, I'm tired. I'm tired of you men acting like boys. You let me down and if you don't let Derek fix that hand, you're letting yourself down."

ADDISON: "If you say something wrong, then you apologize."
PRESTON: "I didn't do anything wrong."
ADDISON: "Did she?"
PRESTON: "She doesn't seem to think so."
ADDISON: "That's pathetic."

PRESTON: "I haven't had a tremor."
DEREK: "Wow. That's great to hear."

CRISTINA: "I was right. I swear I really believe what I did was right. I don't want you to forgive me. Frankly, I'd find it patronizing if you did. Because... while I know I was right, you think I'm wrong. Which doesn't matter... because... I'm in this. I'm in this for the long haul. And I'm in this to finish the race. So if that means I don't win this one, then fine. I don't win. You win. I'm talking. See? I'm talking first. You win."
PRESTON: "Marry me."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
