Rebekah: For Freya's plan to work I can't go mad and you can't die. What are the bloody odds of that?
Klaus: Wasn't it you who once said I could talk my way out of Hell?

Lovely. My fate rests in our black sheep of a brother who we have trapped in a necklace. I’m sure he’s just leaping to help.

Perhaps it’s time our roles reversed. I’ll run away from love if you’ll run toward it.

Elijah: Hello, sister.
Rebekah: Tell me I didn’t miss Christmas.

Rebekah: You know, when I left last, I thought for sure you’d hate Klaus forever.
Hayley: Oh, I will, but even when you hate him…

I’m not hungry, I’m angry. Staked by your ex, drowned by Nik’s. You two need a lesson in women.

I suppose it's a family trait. Everything we love, we turn to ash.

[to Marcel] Fair warning. If you're still compelled to kill me you've got a hell of a fight on your hands.

Rebekah: What's all this?
Cami: Dark objects, because apparently now I'm a dispensary.

It's not every day you lose your father at the hands of your brother. Again.

There's a saying in my family. Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow. Yet even as you dance on that demon's grave, you can't help but wonder, was that demon alone? Or do you have other, deadlier ones to fight? And though you celebrate having won the battle, have you really prepared for the war? So as we dress ourselves in teh armor needed for this new fight, we must first tend to our wounds, starting with the deepest.

All of us live with a demon inside. Some days you control the demon. And other days it controls you. And it is always hungry. It feeds on lust and longing. And while you may slumber, the demon never sleeps. It tempts you into crossing every line you've ever drawn, all the while it tests you, haunts you. And once it has turned your loved ones into enemies, the demon has consumed you whole.

The Originals Quotes

I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile.


Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.


The Originals Music

  Song Artist
Song Too Late M83 iTunes
Freaks The Hawk In Paris iTunes
Bones MS MR iTunes