Lorelai: That's what you got busted for, ringing a bell?
Rory: Yeah, mhm.
Lorelai: That's it, bell ringing?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Were you at least smoking a Cuban cigar while you were doing it?
Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: No. I mean bad girl. How many times have I told you not to ring bells.
Rory: Let's go.
Lorelai: They can dent or scratch. And they make dogs crazy. Who do you think you are, the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Are you French, are you circular? I don't think so.

Headmaster Charleston: Why do you wish to be Christiane Amanpour?
Rory: Well, I don't wish to be her, exactly. I just want to do what she does.
Headmaster Charleston: Which is?
Rory: Um....travel, see the world up close, be part of something big.
Headmaster Charleston: And in order to be part of something big, you have to be on TV? Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve your goal.
Rory: Being on TV has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll become a journalist and write books and articles about what I see. I just want to make sure that I see....something. (pauses) You'll notice that the debating team is also missing from my resume.

Lorelai: Hey Mom, you didn't make it back to the room last night. Did you get lucky?
Emily: Could you be any cruder?
Lorelai: Yeah, I could be cruder. Hey Mom, did you get lai...
Rory: Thanks for coming!

Rory: (enters Mrs. Kim's) Lane?
Lane: Go to the left! (Rory almost runs into Mrs. Kim)
Lane: Sorry, I meant my left. Your right!
Rory: This isn't working! Marco!
Lane: Polo!
Rory: (walking around) Marco!
Lane: Polo!
Rory: (finds Lane) Hello, Marco!
Lane: Hello, Polo!

(Lorelai told the B&B's owner that she's a publisher, who told others)
Lorelai: I published Good Night Spoon... and the Horse that wanted to Bark.
Guest: Oh, I've read to my grandson! The horse really wanted to bark, and it finally does, and... (to Lorelai) How does it end?
Lorelai: It dies.
Rory: But... the horse learned to bark and achieved its goal, so it was really a happy ending!

Lorelai: He kissed you and you said 'thank you'?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Well that was very polite.

Richard: We always go to the Vineyard at this time of year.
Lorelai: Well, you know, you could break the chain, Dad. Go to Paris.
Rory: Yes, Paris!
Lorelai: Impressionism, poodles.
Rory: Crme brle.
Lorelai: Oh, that's great!
Richard: Impossible!
Lorelai: Pourquoi? (speaking to Rory) French.
Emily: We only go to Europe in the fall.
Lorelai: You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring.
Rory: I heard that too.
Emily: We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall.
Lorelai: It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me.
Richard: Well what is so interesting about Europe in the spring?
Lorelai: Spring vegetables.
Emily: You want us to go to Europe to eat a vegetable?
Lorelai: No, Mom. I don't know. There's all kinds of stuff. There's festivals and, you know, Europe.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It costs a fortune to travel first class in Europe. We only do it every two years.
Emily: In the fall.
Richard: It's just not in the budget this year.
Lorelai: You don't have to fly first class.
(Emily and Richard both look stunned)
Lorelai: 'Cause there's always coach.
(Richard looks even more stunned)
Lorelai: (taken aback) Or business class is slightly less. There's deals on the Internet. (Richard and Emily remain silent) Hmm. (to Rory)Pass the potatoes.

Lorelai: Sorry I woke you up.
Rory: That's okay, it's all fodder for the tell all.

Rory: Are you my boyfriend?
Dean: In the broadest sense of the word way?
Rory: No, in the real, 'Hi, this is Dean, my boyfriend' kind of way.
Dean: Well, I am if you want me to be

Lorelai: You have a new special.
Luke: I sure do.
Lorelai: Nice. What is the special omelet?
Luke: You won't like it.
Lorelai: How do you know?
Luke: Because you've been eating here for years and I know what you like, and you won't like it.
Lorelai: Can I at least hear what it is?
Luke: Fine. It's three eggs with bits of bacon.
Lorelai: I like bacon.
Luke: Cubed tomatoes.
Lorelai: Sounds good.
Luke: Swiss cheese and a dash of oregano.
Lorelai: A dash, he says.
Luke: I've got other customers here.
Lorelai: I'm gonna go with the special omelet.
Luke: Okay.
Lorelai: With a side of bacon.
Luke: There's bacon in the omelet.
Lorelai: Oh, then skip the bacon.
Luke: The side of bacon?
Lorelai: The bacon in the omelet.
Luke: Hold the bacon.
Lorelai: Can I get Jack cheese?
Luke: On the side?
Lorelai: Instead of Swiss, Swiss is so stringy.
Luke: Fine, Jack cheese.
Lorelai: Also, I think I'm allergic to oregano so hold that, too, and some coffee.
Luke: So, just the eggs, tomatoes, and Jack cheese.
Lorelai: Not too many tomatoes.
Luke: Light on the tomatoes.
Lorelai: Very light, just a teeny-tiny amount, practically none.
Luke: I'm skipping the tomatoes. It's an omelet with Jack cheese.
Lorelai: Perfect.
Luke: You did this on purpose.
Lorelai: Did what?
Rory: French toast for me. (to Lorelai) That was cruel.

Rory: I'm so sorry, Mom.
Lorelai: (sarcastically) Aw, really? You didn't make that clear.

Rory: Yes, but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's going to see my feet.
Lorelai: Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad. And bad girls always wear red nail polish.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
