Casey: Chuck's dad. Where is he?
Jill: I don't know...exactly. But I do know someone who might know where they're holding him.
Sarah: Who?
Jill: My Uncle Bernie.
Casey: That better not be a joke because I don't have a sense of humor.

Sarah: I'm, uh, Chuck's cousin Sarah, and this is my boyfriend, John. (She indicates Casey)
Wally: Talk about beauty and the beast, hunh, you must be loaded!

Casey: What do you call your move, anyway?
Chuck: What move?
Casey: The girlie pose I saw you in. What do you call that?
Chuck: The Morgan.
Sarah: The Morgan?
Chuck: He invented it in high school when girls were beating him up. You kind of duck a little bit, protect the know, your face and... (Gestures at groin)

Sarah: You're 100% sure you want to go through with this?
Chuck: More like 45, maybe...maybe 30.

Sarah: Are you okay?
Chuck: Yeah, I think so. I mean, I'm-- I'm glad we found him for Ellie.
Sarah: And for you?
Chuck: Yeah. Maybe he's not as crazy as I remembered.
(Stephen returns with an overnight bag)
Stephen: Oookay, let's go get your sister married, hunh? Maybe we should...wait until dark, they're... (he peeks through the curtains) they're tracking my every move. (Muttering to himself) Rat bastards...

Chuck: Is it really you or am I super stoned?
Sarah: Uh, both. Heh.

Chuck: Okay, what's the plan?
Casey: You got us into this mess, why don't you come up with the plan for once.
Chuck: Okay, alright, you two distract Emmett with your super spy skills while I go hit Big Mike's office where he keeps the combination to the safe at his desk.
Casey: He keeps a combination in his office?
Chuck: It's a Buy More, Casey, relax.
(Sarah and Casey pull out weapons)
Chuck: Oh no, no, no, no, no...there are no guns in my plan, okay, as annoying as Emmett is, you cannot shoot, tranq or Karate chop him in any way.
Sarah: You put him in charge.

Chuck: I have to say this. We should never do that again.
Casey: Mission's over, Chuck. The plan went just fine.
Chuck: Yeah. Except your plan necessitated that we do actual plumbing and for the record, none of us knows how to actually plumb. We're going to burn these jump suits, right?
Sarah: I second Chuck's motion. No more plumbing on future missions.
Casey: Are you going soft, Walker? It doesn't matter. Beckman got the intel she wanted. Bunch of Nancies.

Beckman: I lied to Chuck earlier. He's done what no one else could do. He found him, Chuck found Orion.
Sarah: General, why lie to him? Orion is extremely important to this project and to Chuck.
Beckman: Important? Don't think for a second that you can tell me what's important, Agent Walker. I've had an army of analysts and spies hunting for Orion since before you were in a training bra.

Casey: Orion's taken control of a Predator drone based out of Edward's. The signal matches the one used in Hong Kong. The drone's on an armed targeting run.
Sarah: Is there a target?
Chuck: Please don't say Buy More.
Casey: Orion sent you a computer, all right. It's inside a Predator drone targeted to kill you. How thoughtful.

Chuck: General, you don't want the Intersect out of my head, do you?
Beckman: No, I don't.
Sarah: Ma'am, Chuck has done everything that we've asked of him.
Beckman: Agent Walker, you want to protect him, but play time is over. Chuck, I hesitate to say this...
Chuck: Please. Please, hesitate.
Beckman: We are in the midst of a secret war with Fulcrum, and I believe the outcome of this fight will rest squarely on your shoulders.
Casey: Oy.
Chuck: No, listen to the man. He's right. I'm no spy.
Beckman: Do you know how many agents I've lost to Fulcrum? How powerful they are? Only this operation, only you have found a hole in their armor. See, I can't lose you, Chuck. I need you. It's time for you to become a spy.

(Chuck watches surveillance of Sarah, Casey and General Beckman)
Chuck: Wow. Beckman is tiny.
Sarah: General, what if Orion can help Chuck remove the Intersect? Erase it from his mind?
Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Good question, Sarah.
Beckman: That's exactly what I don't want. Chuck Bartowski is absolutely vital to national security. He can never meet Orion.

Chuck Quotes

Sarah: Wow, I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck. Or Morgan, for that matter.
Chuck: My parents were sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster.
Morgan: But they raised me as one of their own!

Chuck: Uh, you know, Sis, the thing is, Morgan and I don't really feel like we're fitting my birthday party...'cause we don't know anybody, 'cause they're all your friends, and they all happen to be doctors.
Morgan: Doctors who don't really get our jokes!
Chuck: Well, your jokes

Chuck Music

  Song Artist
Wait It Out Imogen Heap iTunes
Black and Gold Sam Sparro iTunes
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In) Kenny Rogers iTunes