Colvin: No one mention the person we wanted to see is brain dead?
Bidwell: Never asked about his condition, it was my mistake.

Wysocki: You find out who Joe Anonymous is?
Colvin: You heard the show?
Wysocki: [nod]
Colvin: Everyone heard the show?
Wysocki: [nod]

Ma'am I have to ask, will we always be out taking calls? I get the Superintendent killed on my first day could go on my permanent record and put a kink in my future plans.


Bidwell: Ma'am do you want to wait in the car, backup is on the way.
Colvin: [gun ready] Do I look like I want to wait in the car?

Wysocki: I handpicked these three cop'ers myself; you can't make a bad decision. Besides I can't keep showing up here at the crack of dawn, people will start to talk.
Colvin: Well that's the best reason I have heard yet

I don't mind sucker punching Gibbons as long as it knocks him out.

Teresa: I trust you in as far as you respect me.
Jarek: I got your back.

Teresa: Your partner has better instincts than you think.
Jarek: Too bad he's a Cubs fan.

Officer: This is my life!
Teresa: Yeah, but it's my city.

The Chicago Code Quotes

Teresa: Your partner has better instincts than you think.
Jarek: Too bad he's a Cubs fan.

Officer: This is my life!
Teresa: Yeah, but it's my city.