You lost the most important witness we've ever had in the Red John case and now you wonder why we won't make nice.

We were on site first. It's not our fault if you were late off the mark.

Lisbon: I didn't say anything.
Jane: I was talking to the hallucination.

Lisbon: Now you're stealing an ambulance?
Jane: No, I'm just admiring the interior.

Teresa: Women can strangle people.
Grace: Believe me I know I could.

Lisbon: What about your promise to Bertram?
Jane: I had my fingers crossed.

This is like a bad date. I wish those bozos would just vanish.

He has to hit bottom and know it. That's recovery 101, right?

Lisbon: Are you leaving the CBI?
Jane: No, of course not. What would I do for amusement?

We're in the middle of a toxic waste dump. Hurry up.

Since I was 17 years old I could tell when you're lying.

We get any more suspects we're going to have to convert the janitor's closet.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.