We've got a case. You can deal with Red John later.

Cho: His alibi relies on the account of a bunch of drunks.
Lisbon: Real drunks or ole timey pioneer drunks that are getting paid by the hour?

Jane: Don't you think it's odd, Homeland Security's fascination with a California serial killer?
Lisbon: Everything about Bob Kirkland is odd. You can add that to the list.

Lisbon: If you must break the rules, break them on your own time.
Jane: When am I not on my own time?

Lisbon: You're playing with fire.
Jane: There are worse things to play with.

Jane: We have to go back to the crime scene.
Lisbon: Why?
Jane: I want a taco.

Lisbon: I don't want to be thanked.
Jane: Too late.

You're putting your trust in the mistress of a serial killer.

Lisbon: That makes me an accomplice as well.
Jane: Only if you look at it like a very persnickety lawyer.

Lisbon: I have to learn that trick.
Kirkland: Which?
Lisbon: How you speak without actually saying anything.

Lisbon: That's not police work. That's guessing.
Jane: You should try it some time.

Jane: Seriously, what do you take me for?
Lisbon: I am not going to answer that because I am a nice person.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.