Theo: It seemed tense in there.
Bash: Novak's just on edge because Devi's trying to rein him in.
Theo: She's still licking her wounds. That is crossfire you want to avoid.

I'm not going to apologize to Roberta Matheson and go on the record as an abuser. If you have an issue with that, let me know.

Still glad you invited me?

Bash: I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Theo: You're allowed to be upset when something you care about breaks.

Bash: I was asleep, OK. Her rhythm jumped up and I didn't hear it in time.
Theo: What would you have done? Call the nurse a split-second before the monitor?
Bash; If I'd been awake ...
Theo: Bash, Bash. Get a grip, man.

Siobhan: Please tell me you're not going to run off to cry in the hallway too.
Theo: For better or worse, I'm comfortably numb. So apparently not.

Theo: This thing with Bash, how are you managing to fit him into your usual metric of giving 200 percent?
Mags: By downgrading to a 75-75 split?
Theo: You? As if.

Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.