Una: We sure this is wise?
Pike: No, but I’m going with it.

Pike: He was so excited to see me, that for a second, it felt like my future wasn’t so bad.
Una: I get that, Chris.
Pike: But then he goes and alters time and I feel like I’m trying to stop a toddler from knocking over the furniture.

Una:Mr. Spock ran an analysis of this delta. It’s not just a badge, it’s also a communicator. You just press right here.
Pike: But flipping it open’s the best part.
Una: I like ours better too.

Pike: And there’s no other source of heronium anywhere in the quadrant?
Una: None. And there hasn’t been for over a hundred years.
Mariner: Can’t we just cook some up?
Boimler: Could you please just not?
Mariner: Sorry.
Spock: The ensign is correct. We could attempt to synthesize heronium ourselves.
Mariner: Hot Spock agrees with me.

La’an: One time traveler is a security threat. Two is…
Una: … a disaster.
Mariner: Thought you said they were cool.

Mariner: Dude, do you know how worried I was? You disappeared in a vortex while I was in charge. For all I knew, you were dead or stuck in a dystopian San Francisco in the middle of a riot.
Una: Anybody noticed that their references are weirdly specific?
Spock: Indeed.

Una: You’re like… a space hippy.
Pelia: Ooooh, well I have been called more names than there are stars in the sky but space hippy is a new one on me.

Pelia: What exactly is your problem with me?
Una: I don’t have a problem with you. I have a problem with the situation.
Pelia: That is malarky and you know it.
Una: You’re sloppy, okay? You don’t respect protocols. You’re too loose with discipline. You don’t follow orders unless you feel like it. And you have CRUMBS on your uniform! When did you even eat?

Ortegas: It’s the shiniest gas station I’ve ever seen.
Pike: Well, it’s not just a gas station, Lieutenant. It’s right at the edge of the frontier. It unlocks half the quadrant. It’ll be the jumping off point for the next great age of exploration.
Una: Oh, good. I was afraid I’d missed the speech.
Pike: Well, I started earlier, but Uhura fell asleep.

Pelia: I think you’ve gotten too used to being the smartest person in the room.
Una: I don’t think I’m the smartest person in the room.
Pelia: Oh, sure you do. You hide behind order and discipline because it kills you when someone has the nerve to question your decisions. You think my years of experience should buy me any deference?
Una: You’ve been in Starfleet since before I was born, but I outrank you. Why do you think that is?

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Quotes

Pike: Send someone else. You don't want me in command of that ship.
April: You're getting us confused. You don't want you in command.

No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter the mathematical probabilities or the number of times we say, 'We are not alone in the universe,' our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. First contact with aliens always lives squarely in the impossible. First contact is just a dream until one day, it isn't.
