Li: I can assure you, I am not Stefan.
Gabi: What are you talking about? I'm looking right at you.
Li: But what you're seeing isn't real.
Gabi: Baby, you don't have to do this. You don't have to push me away. I already know that Li knows we're together. He found out, though. We don't have to sneak around or lie or anything. We're free. And yes, I'm going to lose his Dimera shares. Big deal. What matters is we're free to show the entire world how we feel. That's what matters now.
Li: Yes, Gabi, I did find out about you and Stefan. EJ sent me a picture of the two of you having sex in the Dimera wine cellar.
Gabi: Stefan, why do you keep doing that? Why do you keep talking about yourself in the third person?
Li: For the last time, I AM NOT YOUR EX-HUSBAND. I am your current husband, the pitiful excuse for a man who is so desperate to hang onto you that I almost ended up in prison.

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