Andrew: How's JJ?
Cara: Yeah. Sorry you got mucked around with that. And like we said in our message, it's got nothing to do with you.
Andrew: Yeah, yeah, I know.
Cara: So are you any closer to finding a culprit or...
Andrew: Yeah, we're still working through a few possibilities. Hey, I've been thinking. Maybe JJ and Dex are going through a little more than they're letting on.
Cara: What do you mean?
Andrew: Well, I just know when I was their age, I bottled up a lot of stuff and it came out not in the best ways.
Cara: Are you saying we're not talking to our kids?
Andrew: Oh, no. No, no.
Cara: Look, I appreciate the concern, but we're handling it.
Andrew: Yeah. It's just an observation. Sometimes you think they're telling you everything and they're not.
Cara: I don't need your backseat parenting, okay?

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