EJ: Chad. Abigail... it was my fault.
Chad: EJ, you don't have to -
EJ: No, no. I knew Clyde was a threat to the family, and yet I kept it to myself. I should have put a stop to him sooner. Immediately. Chad, I failed you. I failed Abigail. The kids. I failed the family. And for that, I can never forgive myself. Chad, I am very sorry.
Chad: We both made mistakes and done things that we regret, and there's no point in keeping score. Not now.
EJ: That's very generous of you.
Chad: Before we clear the board, I have to thank you. You came to my rescue tonight and you saved my life. Thank you, brother.
EJ: You're welcome, brother. Well, now that that's out of the way, I guess I can tell you...
Chad: Tell me what?
EJ: Tonight. I didn't do that for you.
Chad: What do you mean?
EJ: I just wanted to shoot him.

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