Kate: It's no secret your girlfriend isn't my favorite person, but that is beside the point.
Eric: Which is?
Kate: Which is that you're talking about having a baby, which I know is something that is very, very important to you. So if there's a genuine offer on the table for one, why would you wait?
Eric: Because it's a serious decision. It's not something you rush right into.
Kate: Oh, blah blah blah blah blah. Boring, boring, boring. Okay, I know you're trying to do the responsible thing, but life is messy. I mean, it can be joyous, it can be thrilling, and then it can be depressing as hell. You still have to plunge in and embrace the chaos. I mean, if you're always using all your energy and time to logic through everything, opportunities are just going to pass you by, and you won't even notice because you'll be so busy trying to do everything the right way and all of a sudden you're gonna end up on a boat in the middle of the ocean, God knows where, cutting the heads off fish and wondering why you didn't do all the things you wanted to do.

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