Harry: You are late. I finished eating without you.
Asta: I think you'll survive.
Harry: I prefer to eat with you. You order a lot of food. I like to forage off of your plate.

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Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2: "The Wire"
Resident Alien
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Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes, Resident Alien Quotes
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Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

With my people coming to kill everyone on earth, I will need a bunker to survive. I will fix it up and present it to Asta as her new home. We will live, and all the beer-drinking douchebags can fry.

Harry [internal dialogue]

Harry: You don't know anything about space. You are a Colorado octopus.
Octopus: Is that where we are? Shit. I thought this was India. THAT is an Indian rug. You are appropriating their culture. That's not a good look, man.
Harry: I saw it at a red tag sale for five dollars. I had to buy it. Plus, I think it really brings the room together.