Harry: This is some bullshit!
Bridget: Bullshit!

Asta: Where's Bridget?
Harry: I do not want to talk about Bridget. Bridget is gone. We have to leave.

Hey, if we make it out of here, I'm not going to remember any of this, so thank you.


I'm going to stick my hand up your ass and puppet you like you belong on public television.


Hello, Greys. This is my baby. He just got five new teeth today. He wants to show them to you.


You are making his jacket all dirty. Hurry up! I found son of a bitch Frank!


Harry: It was not her; it was Joseph. He stole the bomb!
Joseph: What bomb?

Mike: Is he still there? Oh, no. Don't look. Feel it with your third eye.
Liv: I'm sorry. I already looked with my first two eyes. He's there.

I don't even have a child, and I know not killing it is the main thing.


The little bastards took Mrs. Mayor's child. She would not like to know that. It would make her angry and sad. I will make sure she does not remember it when she wakes up.

Harry [to himself]

Babies do not care what anyone feels. They only want to be taken care of, to be loved, and to know there is someone out there who will find a way to protect them, no matter what it takes.

Harry [to himself]

Mike: You said we. Are you back on this thing with me?
Liv: Yes, sir. I don't want to let being afraid stop me from doing what's right. If I can put my Nana in the hospital, I can do anything.

Resident Alien Quotes

Sheriff: I'm Sheriff Mike Thompson. Everybody calls me Big Black.
Harry: Because of your truck.
Sheriff: Because of my... [chuckles] Oh, you funny, huh? Funny.

Spring. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun warms the earth. Somewhere; not here. It's 30 degrees out, it snowed nine feet last winter, and four frozen sodas just exploded in my truck. Welcome to Patience, Colorado.
