Talia: I lied to you, okay? The night that everybody got high off of those biscuits, I didn't have a headache and I didn't go for a walk around the lake. I went to the motel and I went to go see Colin.
Rafe: Jada...
Jada: Talia, stop. I need to read you your rights.
Talia: No, please, if you would just let me explain... please. I have to say this now.
Jada: Okay, go ahead.
Talia: Colin, he's my ex-boyfriend from New York. The night that I went to have dinner with Chanel and her family, he texted me. Completely out of the blue, but he said he was in town and he wanted to see me. And yes, I said we were broken up and everything, I know I said we were completely done, but I went to the motel and I slept with him.
Rafe: Why didn't you just say that in the first place?
Talia: Because I shouldn't be seeing Colin at all, okay? He's no good for me and I don't like who I am when I'm around him. But when I heard his voice on the phone, I got weak and everything I thought I knew went completely out of the window. And what he wanted, I just did, okay?
Jada: I knew you had a boyfriend in New York, but I didn't know you felt like this, that he made you feel like this. Why didn't you say anything?
Talia: Isn't it obvious? Ths is humiliating to me. And I don't know why Colin lied, okay, to those people in the hallway who saw me coming out of his room. I had just told him I didn't want to see his face ever again, that I was done this time for good, okay? So he could have been upset, okay?
Jada: Hey. It's okay...
Talia: No! Haven't you heard enough, Detective Hunter? Have I finally convinced you that I'm not a terrorist, that I'm a pathetic loser who slept with her ex-boyfriend?

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