John: You're not like them. The MXs. I don't know why, but you're not.
Dorian: I should take that as a compliment.
John: You should.

[to Dorian] I supposed I, uh, I should acknowledge the fact that you saved my life.


[to John] I'm not like them. MX units are logic-based and rule-oriented. They have no free will and they are designed to feel nothing. I can't say that I was born, I can't say I grew in a womb or had a child, but I was made to feel. And I do. As much as you.


Dorian: You know what your problem is?
John: Always my favorite part of the day. A synthetic telling me what my problem is.
Dorian: There's that word again. Your problem is that you don't know yourself. You don't trust anyone.

Fantastic! I get the synthetic with the bleeding heart!


Perfect. Two cops from the scrap heap.


John: I'm required to ride with a synthetic.
Dorian: I'm not a huge fan of that term.

Maldonado: 'Kennex should return to duty never.'
John: Never? Well that's a long time.

Richard, I know this won't be easy for you, but don't be a prick.


Barton, this marriage of ours is broken. And unless you want me to break along with it, you have to let me go.


Men are such idiots, even the smart ones.


Depaul: Why would you want to get a degree? You seem to be doing just fine using your other assets.
Virginia: Because I’d like to avoid comments like that in the future.