Olivia: This is not a fairy tale. This is not the happily ever after. If you're still alive, it's because he still owns you. It's because you're still useful to him. And he's going to find a way to use you against me.
Jake: Liv--
Olivia: Don't feel bad about it. He still owns me, too.

[to Olivia] I never thought I'd get out of that hole. Never. It's not just the dirt floor and the darkness that gets you. It's the isolation. It's the silence. It breaks something in you. I just kept picturing your face. Your face saved me. I'm here because you saved me.


Mer, your boobs are exploding. Go pump.


I rebounded to the McDreamy's.


I was too busy feeding my family and getting my sister wife's breast pump packed to feed myself this morning.


Your son is the devil's spawn. He drinks the milk of a liver thief.


I don't ease back in. I jump in the deep end. I swim.


Goodman: You know, if you were any good at this one of my fingers would already be gone.
Annie: Too much blood.

Goodwin: In order to beat him, you have to become him. And, that's not you is it Ms. Walker
Annie: I'm no longer Ms. Walker, remember?

I'm already dead.


Auggie: Don't even talk to me
Calder: I'm not the enemy here.
Auggie: Really? I think you are.
Calder: Annie W alker died because she went rogue.
Auggie: She was not a traitor. You shot her in cold blood before she could explain herself. You did this, Calder, all of it.
Calder: You want to know why I didn't save her? Whey the hell didn't you?

Hank told me I could have twenty dollars if I could shut up for one whole hour. And then I did. I don't think you should drop out of the race.
