Give me some credit, I used to be a surgeon, I wouldn't leave a mess like this.


He said you didn't want to be in bed with Harry Lerner and then I said I wouldn't want Harry Lerner in my bed either. And then he said that was supposed to be a metaphor and then told me to go play video games.


I've known the truth Abigail, I've known for 22 years.


Joan: You're going to harass a teenage boy at his fathers memorial while he's mourning?
Sherlock: If he's the killer than he won't be mourning.

Gregson: So your clients statement is: she couldn't kill her husband because she was too busy planning to kill her husband

It doesn't matter when I made the assumption, all that matters is that I was right.


Olivia: Huck, look at me.
Huck: This should've been my day, Liv. I should've had some peace.

[after whip crack] Cause when you're night ends with a dead man and a chem suit, why not start your morning with a live unfolding of a bull whip.


[to Olivia] All this time I've wondered who Command is. I've banged my head against a wall trying to get a name and then I got one. For you. A name is something you can trace, Liv. It's something you can tie to a chair and question. And after you've questioned it, after you've drilled some answers out of it, like whether or not you have a family, it's something you can kill. You can wrap it in plastic and put it in a dumpster so it never bothers you again.


Olivia: Huck?
Huck: Don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. I'm all killed out today.

I am spectacular, but I can't compete with religious fervor, but no, I was not praying that she'd be blown up today. I am not miserable. I'm celebrating. Because Olivia Pope still walks this Earth. She's still alive. And as long as she's still alive, well, she's your flaw. Your Achilles heel. Which makes her my weapon. She's the strings that if need be I will pull to make my puppet husband dance. So cheers, baby. Drink up. I live to fight another day.


If your whore had died today brave and strong, protecting a Congressman inside the Capitol with a nation watching, honey, the nails, the wood, the cross you would build and hammer her on, the worship you would feel for the rest of your days down on your knees praying to Saint Olivia Pope. That would be...I'd lose. Our little war. I'd lose.
