Snow White. That's her name? Even I think that's a bit precious and mine's Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell

Roast swan. That's amusing. You'll get that later.


Merry men come in all sizes. This is my son, Roland.

Robin Hood

Emma is trapped in Neverland with Peter Pan who is hands down the nastiest person I've ever met.


Henry: I don't like apples.
Peter Pan: Who doesn't like apples?
Henry: It's a family thing.

[to Daniel] If I needed a man to order me around, I would have gone to work for my father.


Alicia: What's going on?
Will: Diane.

[to Conrad] I was always drawn to the Old Testament God--the one who avenges. If you sinned, you paid a price. That seemed fair to me.


Well, I've already been to prison myself, so I guess I'm pre-inoculated.


[to Daniel{ Wow, we set a date and suddenly you care how I spend my time, my money. What's next, Daniel, who I talk to?


Some believe confession helps a guilty soul find peace, releasing us from the shame and regret of our mistakes. In the face of mortality, many feel the need to seek this closure to make things right. Because if death doesn't kill us, our demons will.


Balls is knowing the cost and going ahead anyway.
