I was going to come see you at the hospital but I knew you had your family there and they always carry loaded weapons.


Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it just puts a target on your back.


Director Mason: Collateral damage.
Frank: Don't give me that. That's just your spin for bad planning.

Garrett: So remind me what's the advantage to having your dad be P.C.
Frank: I build character.

It's Homeland Security. They're not very big on sharing the particulars.


I just came off a 12 hour tour chasing my tail.


Baker: Think you can handle another round?
Frank: Better eat your spinach.

First murder of the week and in broad daylight. I love this city.


Lexie: Did you and Audrey knock boots? Did she make sweet love?
Nathan: It's complicated.
Lexie: Complicated is what all the married guys tell me when they wanna sleep with me. But I'm guessing with you, though, it really is complicated.

OK. Well that's good to know. I've got a... a lot to learn here.


I go in there, I take Duke's drink ticket out of Tyler's hand and then we get Duke back. And I get a free drink.


I don't know who you really are, but I will shoot you and I'll probably accidentally hit you in the face so don't come near me.
