Leonard: See, Howard is just as good a dungeon master as I am.
Sheldon: As good? You just got pantsed in the school yard four eyes.

Leonard: Sometimes change is good. You were worried about Zachary Quinto being the new Spock, but you ended up liking him.
Sheldon: Leonard, please, every time the topic of change comes up you throw Zachary Quinto in my face. I'm upset the mailman has a new haircut -- Zachary Quinto. I'm upset daylight savings time started -- Zachary Quinto. I'm upset daylight savings time ended -- Zachary Quinto. I'm saying this for the last time. Zachary Quinto was a weird, wonderful, unrepeatable event, so stop using him against me.

We have a new rule if no one talks for three minutes you can just hang up. I'm so into her.


Penny: Vegas here we come.
Bernadette: No husbands. No boyfriends. No rules
Amy: No rules. We're not going to get drunk and have a six-way with the Blue Man Group, are we?
Penny: No.
Amy: So there are some rules.
Bernadette: Okay. No husbands. No boyfriends. Some rules.
Amy: Thank you. VEGAS!

Honey that perfume you're wearing is 80 proof.

Rayna (to Juliette)

All that mundane stuff, that's pretty much just what I've been waiting for.


Melody Payton: How can you be searching for her from in here?
Hotch: I understand what you're going through.
Melody Payton: You don't understand anything.
Hotch: No, I actually do.

You said the meat and cheeses were not gonna touch, Shawn.


Guster, I will choke you out!


Have a little Spencer faith!


If you killed him, just tell me.


How is it now that I am now being punished for being honest?
