Abed, we don't have origin stories, we have lives. At least...yup, just me.


Together, as a town, we lost an amount of weight equal to 800 pregnant manatees.


Woah, Dylan, slow down. That sweat suit is not for sweating. If you take that crushed velvet on more than a brisk walk,it'll fall apart.


All that pain and torture, I've worked up quite a thirst.


Will: Brittany's at M.I.T. touring the campus because she's got an early acceptance.
Kitty: That can't be true.

Due to a tragic misunderstanding, the prettiest pig beauty pageant has been replaced by a pork rib barbeque competition.


I'm boreddddd. Let's go have sex in a tree. He'll be back in 8 minutes.

Mona Lisa

I like the rain and the fish markets.


Britta, we're done. I ate a hamburger the other day and suddenly I'm not cold all the time.


We're really filling in some plot holes here.


I call it "the Crazy Quilt of Destiny," mostly because "the Loom of Fate" was already taken.


Abed: I'm the super-villain. I'm emotionless, logical, smarter than everyone else--
Annie: Hey!