Santana: You're acting like a completely different person and it's making me sad.
Brittany: Well get over it because sadness is stupid.

Vincent: He's not bad for a suit.
Cat: And so begins a very unique bromance.

Jeweler: [to Blaine] Is this him?
Sam: No, oh no. I mean, he wants to do me, but we're just friends.

From where I'm standing, I'd take your future over mine. Look, I don't know if it would work, but I'm happy to give you some of my meds to try. Consider it a fair trade?


J.T: I'm the one you almost had for a snack.
Cat: And that's Vincent.
J.T.: He's the one you're lookin' for.

Cat: You okay?
Vincent: Yeah. I just think until about a minute ago I was still telling myself it was contact lenses.

Let me break it down. No one in this musty choir room compares to my megawatt star power. Blaine, you're shorter than a lawn gnome. Joe, you look like a Yucatan spider monkey. Tina're just Tina.


New rule, no one takes the tranq gun unless we have a spare.


There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled. We've endured. And now we must triumph.


I thought you were going to tell me that I was an idiot and that's bullying and I won't tolerate that.


Vincent: Okay quit worrying about meeting Sarah's parents. We got a bigger problem on our hands. Like there's someone else with corrupted DNA.
J.T.: Oh God - she is pregnant?
Vincent: No, Gabe.
J.T.: Gabe got her pregnant?

Tess: So wait, he's all creatured out, on the loose, on the streets on Manhattan?
Cat: I think so.