Castle: Did you see how that gorilla looked at me?
Beckett: I think it was lust actually Castle. You are ruggedly handsome.

Ryan: I always wanted a pet monkey when I was a kid. Big Curious George fan.
Castle: Wait 'til George grows up. An adult chimpanzee can reach 200 lbs, tear off a man's face, hands, and naughty bits.

Vicious, blood thirsty, old folks, is that your theory?


Maybe my apartment's being invaded by some sort of super rat.


Irisa: Took you long enough
Nolan: I forgot where they put the off switch on the 2037 model.

Nolan: Hey Doc, how you doing up there?
Doc Yewll: If you rush me, we all go boom. If you yell at me, we all go boom. Now you know how I'm doing up here.

Tommy: What did Nolan do to save you?
Irisa: Something I couldn't do for myself.
Tommy: Which was?
Irisa: He murdered my parents.

Irisa: I'm not trapped in here. If I wanted I could have grabbed your wrist and broke every finger on your hand and taken the keycard for the cell, which you left hanging on your belt. Before you knew what was happening, I would have been out of this cage, separating your head from the rest of you with one of my blades.
Tommy: What is wrong with you?
Irisa: You wanted conversion.

Nolan: You get some side bets going on. I'll try to carry this bum as long as I can.
Irisa: You're an idiot.
Nolan: I know.

Nolan: I'm starting to like this place.
Irisa: This is a bad idea.

Nolan: Relax; it's just like Kansas City.
Irisa: You got knifed in Kansas City.
Nolan: This is a completely different situation.

Nolan: You do nice work doc.
Doc Yewll: I appreciate the compliment. Also appreciate prompt payment.
Nolan: Yeah, uh, see we were um robbed. I know I got something around here.
Doc Yewll: Keep it in your pants. Buy the girl a meal. You'll pay me when you can.
Doc Yewll: [After Nolan and Irisa leave] Freaking dead beats.