Engaged! No Tumor!


Your profile is four pages like the manifestos that the FBI finds by a serial killer.


I've put Max on the pile of "old business" and thanks to the site new business is floating in.


[To George] These are the ingredients to a mind eraser that the internet says will erase anything you regret doing.


Vance: Are you all right? Is it over?
Ziva: It's over.

Abby: Is that broken?
Tony: No Mrs. Mulwray, but I damned near lost my nose. I like breathing through it.
Abby: Mrs. Mulwray
Tony: Faye Dunaway and of course Mr. Jack.
Ziva: Yeah, I know. Chinatown.

If Bodnar is still here, it's Homeland and the FBI that have to track him down. Not NCIS.

Tom Morrow

You and I have to let Homeland handle this. Understood?


Palmer: This guy's had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers and Cher combined.
Ducky: That is an inappropriate remark Mr. Palmer, however accurate.

McGee: If you don't like my rules you can find someone else to drive you in.
Tony: All I wanted was to stop for coffee. I was willing to treat.
McGee: No one eats or drinks in my car.
Tony: Well I guess sex is out of the question.

Bodnar: I'm glad to see you're at work and not seriously injured. I was worried.
Ziva: I doubt that. You care only about yourself.
Bodnar: We've one each other since childhood. You know that isn't true.

There's something you and NCIS must know. As much as I didn't like or trust Arash Kazmi, I did not kill him. There are others who are responsible for the assassination of your father's Iranian friend.
