Nolan: I am not entirely convinced your fauxbro plans to hold up his end of the bargain.
Emily: Well, we'll have to make sure he does.

Oh. Eli James. That's quite the criminal record. Any relationship to Jesse?


Is this fucking face space or some shit?


I can't be surrounded by your negativity while I'm trying to grow into a fully formed woman. You hate everything!


You are the most self-involved, presumptuous person I've ever met.


Fuck it. Brooklyn Heights is classy. I'm in.


Marnie: I want you. I know I'm a mess, but I want you. I want to see you every morning. I want to make you a snack every night. And I eventually want to have your little brown babies and eventually I want to watch you die.
Charlie: That's all I wanted to hear.
Marnie: Is it?
Charlie: I love you. Maybe I'm an idiot for it. But I always have. Everything good that I try and do I do because of you and I try and get away but I just keep coming back. And that's because I love you.

So you really don't want to date me? Last chance.


How can I be manipulating you if I don't even know I'm manipulative?


Will you get out of me?


It's hard for me to tell if I spent that check or a different check. So I'll have to check.


Guy's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. Not at all the, uh, footloose dock boy you told me about, is he Amanda?
