Wells: Just because something is theoretically impossible doesn't mean that it's not possible.
Bones: I believe that is exactly what it means.

She likes you enough to make me irrationally jealous!


Angela: Would you tell your significant other the truth or would you...
Cam: I would tell him...that I wanted to have tea with Jesus.

Hodgins: You're talking about doing another experiment, aren't you?
Wells: Perhaps I am your brother from another mother.

Wells: You shy away from randomness and that prevents you from casting a wide net.
Bones: Are you saying that I'm narrow-minded?
Wells: Your words, not mine.

Um a little thing called rigor mortis?


Ah Ted, your first day at the salon and you want to do a cut and color?


Sweets: But still, to face a pack of wild animals alone...
Booth: I'm sure you could just bore them to death with your shrinky talk.

Barney: Ted what is my one rule?
Ted: You can tell how old a girl is by her elbows?
Barney: My other one rule.
Ted: Flax seed relieves upset stomach?
Barney: My other one rule.
Ted: Always have a fake pair of concert tickets in your pocket in case Lily invites you to something stupid?
Barney: My other one rule.
Ted: Labanese girls sprint to third base and then stay there.
Barney: My other one rule.
Ted: New is always better?
Barney: New is always better!

Hodgins: Is she looking at me like an angry schoolteacher?
Booth: Yeah. Yeah, she does that a lot.

Kathryn: I think we're building something really great here. I don't know why you don't think hearing and deaf kids can't coexist.
Melody: It's too difficult to explain.
Kathryn: You're about to explain it to the school board!

Daphne: People always bring wine to dinner.
Bay: A dinner with minors and recovering alcoholics?