Cam: I know this is hard.
Arastoo: Loving you is the easiest thing in my life right now. I'd like to boast to the world about it, but that's just my ego.

Cam: You can tell all of that just from a hand?
Bones: Extremities can be very informative.
Hodgins: Are you going to talk about the size of a man's feet now?

Bones: I always enjoy learning something.
Booth: Well, how about learning how to have fun, Bones?

Booth: We haven't been away since Christine was born.
Bones: I have.
Booth: You were running away from the police.

Yeah, and you two look like human maxi-pads. Glass houses much?


Did you just equate me and Nora with your parents?!


Lisbon: That's not police work. That's guessing.
Jane: You should try it some time.

So have you actually made any dates or are you just hesitating and second guessing yourself like you usually do?


Jane: Seriously, what do you take me for?
Lisbon: I am not going to answer that because I am a nice person.

These people are a law firm's dream.


Curtis: I loved her. I wanted to help her.
Jane: By suing her? Interesting way of showing your love.

Stuck on that thing in the middle of the ocean. It's like being in a prison cell with a chance of drowning.
