You're good with your hands as I recall.

Naomi [to Liam]

You are not going to raise my daughter, Silver!


Dixon: You don't care that we burned down the Phi Kappa house?
Austin: Nobody got hurt. They lost a couple of Ryan Gosling posters.

We're out of toilet paper again. What do you guys do...throw that stuff out the window?

Navid [to Dixon and Austin]

Have you ever heard the physics term "letting it slide"?


Class? You're gonna go to class?

Annie [to Naomi]

Hook up with the right person and anything's possible.


I don't peel and tell.


If you think there is any chance of us sleeping together tonight, then you are higher than my dad.

Bay [to Emmett]

I didn't fall back in love. I think I might never have fallen out of it.


There's a warrant for Angelo in Italy. He's a fugitive.


When you said you were working at the car wash, I was expecting a bikini and some suds.

Wilkie [to Daphne]