I specialize in bird law.


Was he joking when he cut his family into little pieces and ate them for Christmas dinner?

Fatty Magoo [referring to Psycho Pete]

I've tacked on mass.


If we get our psycho back, we get the freight train back.


I'm gonna bang Tom Murphy's black wife.


Look everybody! The Aluminum Monster's back.


Charlie: Why are we hanging here?
Frank: Cool kids got us.

Doc Robbins: I'm sorry for not believing you,
Judy: I'm sorry for keeping secrets, I wanted it to be a surprise.
Doc Robbins: You certainly did that.

I have the motive for murder. Queue the banjo music.


Judy: Al, we need to talk.
Doc Robbins: Judy, I need to believe in you, in us. And if we talk and I'm not convinced, it will be gone.

Hodges: I'm just saying when I play "Sexual Healing" its foreplay.
Greg: Playing it for yourself doesn't count.

Brass: You've got to prepare yourself; it's only going to get worse.
Doc Robbins: You need to prepare yourself to be wrong. You past is clouding your judgment and I expect more than that from you.