I am NOT included in the price of your ticket!


Life is brutally simple. Life is getting what you want and protecting who you love. And everything else is weakness.


Bree: Is this actually happening? Gaby Solis is asking us for sex tips?
Gaby: I know. It's the apocalypse.

Old people are adorable. I love their little raisin faces and those tennis balls they put on their walkers.


What am I, a cat? I'm allowed to be out past ten.

Mrs. McCluskey

Omg, everyone's already tweeting "Stewie Just Said That."


Lesbians and deaf women wear the same clothes.


I assume if there's an ideal weight for serving drinks, then surely there's an ideal weight for looking down one's nose.


Kate: I don't know, I couldn't see through all the smoke.
Laura: Smoke?
Kate: Yes, mother was breathing fire.

You think Brooks Brothers had each other's backs like this?


Would it be weird if I asked little man where he got his boots?


Ben: You think like, I'm too nice to make it as a designer?
Julie: Wow, weren't you just practicing being edgy on my ass?