Wow! It's too bad you can't see, Leela, 'cause there's a cool ship out there shooting at somebody.


Alright, now let's Mafia things up a little. Joey, burn down the ship. Clamps, burn down the crew.


Donbot: Joey, Clamps, hurry and blindfold them before they see us some more.
Joey: Hey, boss, looks like somebody beat us to it.
Leela: I'll assume that's a joke at my expense.

Bender: Uh, hey, Donny, baby, gimme a chance here, huh? Yous guys skedaddle. Let me take care of the doity woik.
Donbot: Hey, I like your attitude. And your latest accent.

I'm telling you, Leela was cool, she was in command, and when she kicked people it hurt. It really hurt.


Joey: Hey, boss, this here crew list lists a robot on this crew here.
Donbot: Alright. I want you to find him and plug him. Then unplug him.

Donbot: Alright, here's the battle plan: We shoot, they surrender, we go aboard, somebody does some clamping, then we heist the cigars and go home.
Bender: And all without killing anyone. This gang's got some fresh, new ideas. I admire that.
Joey: Oh, we'll kill 'em alright.
Clamps: We got 'em heavily out-clamped. They won't know what clamped 'em!

Bender: So they sent a helpless child to kill me? Well I'm not going out without a fight. (kicks Tim's crutch out from under him)
Tinny Tim: Fine kick, sir! But I'm actually here to deliver your cut from the cigar heist.
Bender: Oh, sweet legal tender! Kid, tell the Donbot I'm quitting organized crime. From now on I'll stick to the regular kind.

Fry: Hey! I can breath and talk, just like a fish!
Mermaid: Oh, you speak fish?

Bingo! Whatever it is, it's 20 times heavier than a boot.
(She pulls out a crate marked "Boots 10 Pair")


Amy: Dude! An ancient sunken city!
Farnsworth: Could it possibly be? Are the old legends true?... It is! It's the fabled lost city of Atlanta!
Merman: Howdy, y'all!

(Fry reels in his line, a big fish attached to it)
Fry: Hey, Bender, I just caught a fish this big!
Bender: Quit exaggerating, Fry.