Join us, Luke. Turn to the backside of the Force.


Can we at least put together a press release that says I resigned of my own accord to pursue other evil projects?


Carter: If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed.
Chris: Oh yea? You and what lightning hands?

Hey Leia, you got a date to we-killed-thousands-of-people dance tonight?


Charlie: You like jokes Lloyd? You ever hear the one about the psychiatrist who got his teeth knocked out?
Lloyd: It wasn't funny, though.

Charlie: Why is your underwear on a chair, Lloyd.
Lloyd: I sleep unencumbered, Charles. Sweet dreams.

I'm not like you. I don't wear my kid on my sleeve.


I will not go back to making bunks and cleaning toilets just to hang a do on disturb sign on my ass.


Julianne: It'll be me. I mean the Marshals already tossed me once.
Lloyd: Like they'd really shoot Bambi.

Mechanic: Hey man, I'm just a mechanic.
Charlie: Yeah and I just have a tan.

The deal was minimum security. Now you want to throw me in Attica? Kiss my black ass.


Sometimes there is truth to a lie... Sometimes the mask that you weare reveals more than the face that lies beneath. Because the person you are pretending to be becomes the person you are.
