Look, we are the only two people in the world who know what really happened here. And it stays between you and me. Cos' if I.A. gets a hold of it internal affairs is gonna kick this up to a criminal case. They'll try you for murder, Ray. They'll lock you up...And it won't just be you you'll be crucifying.


Doc Robbins: After everything that's happened between the two of you it's natural that you'd need some reflection.
Ray: Reflection...That's what he saw when he looked at me.
Doc Robbins: That's what he wanted you to believe. He wanted to bring you into that house with him. He wanted to make you a helpless child just like him.

Booth got Broadsky.


He was such a sweet weirdo wasn't he?

Cam [about Vincent]

Brennan: Don't make me leave, that's what he said.
Booth: He was talking to God, he didn't want to die...
Brenna: But he was like me, he was an atheist...
Booth: Well he was talking to the universe then.
Brennan: Well if there is a God he would have let Vincent stay here with us.
Booth: That's not how it works...

You have to kill Broadsky, you need your sleep.

Brennan[to Booth]

You can stay here as long as you like. You're my favorite, Vincent! Everyone knows that. Right, Booth?!

Brennan [to Vincent]

Go humanity!


Nigel Murray: Are you ready to represent the human race?
Hodgins: Always!

Booth: I feel like I'm chasing a ghost.
Angela: Just make sure it's not your own.

You killed people, no judge, no jury , just you calling the shots.

Booth [to Broadsky]

Does anyone have an alliance I can join? I'm really loyal.
