Amanda: I don't want to know what happened here.
Jason1: Works for me.

Amanda: You don't have to live like this.
Blair: I'm not going back in that fucking Box until I'm ready, OK?

Leighton1: You just described the plot of "Mad Max."
Jason2: Huh?
Leighton1: "Mad Max," the movie?
Jason2: What are you talking about?
Leighton2: You don't have "Mad Max" in your world?

Jason2: Hey. listen. You want to be so careful and think through every single decision you make in there. That box can be a one-way door. Are you sure you want this?
Leighton1: Yeah. One hundred percent.

So, you have the multiverse at your fingertips. What would you like to see?

Jason2 [to Leighton1]

Amanda: You're not curious about what you're capable of?
Jason1: I'm terrified about what I'm capable of.

Your city sucks. Your intelligence services are twenty years out of date. I like your food.


Now, as I understand it, you are the two most wanted human beings in this whole hilarious world right now. And it seems that not only the CIA but all of the major agencies are looking for you, and the use of lethal force has been deemed acceptable in pursuit of you.


When are you going to stop underestimating her? If Imogen is there, she's very close to making her plan work. You do it American style and she will run.


Imogen: I need to ask you a question. Did you ever see any signs of Russian involvement in this plot?
Adilah: Yes. The man you saw in Paris, Emir. He would often speak to someone on a cell in Russian.
Imogen: Anything else?
Adilah: The truck that got me out of Raqqa was a Russian military truck. Why?
Imogen: I've come to believe that the Russians are behind this attack. You and it are just their cover. They are using you as a pawn in their sick game of retaliation against the US.

It's over, Violet.


Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
