They have been a light in a dark world.


Just when you think Gotham's shown her last jewel, she reveals herself like a flower.


Does the universe normally like you this much, detective?


The best liars always tell the truth.


You’ll find that it’s a very small universe when I’m angry with you.

The Doctor

You will not insult my memory, there will be no revenge. I will die, and no one else here or anywhere will suffer.


Clara: That man's wife, she said something. Give it to me. Tell me I can have it. What did she mean?
Rump: Two ways to survive a quantum-shade. The shade's master removes the chronolock or you can give it to someone else.

Clara: Okay, we split up. Cover more ground. I'm good cop, you're bad cop.
The Doctor: No no no we don't have... Can I not be the good cop?
Clara: Doctor we've discussed this; your face.
The Doctor: Oh yeah yeah.

Rigsy: You're serious? You actually expect me to give you my death sentence?
Clara: I've always wanted a tattoo. You know, something small. Discreet.
Rigsy: Clara, cut it out.
Clara: Why aren't you listening? I'm under the Mayor's personal protection and it's absolute, apparently. Look she controls the raven, so I will never have to face it.

Clara: Ashildr?
Ashildr/Me: Ashildr?
The Doctor: That's your name. I keep telling you that.
Ashildr/Me: Do you? Infinite lifespan, finite memory. It makes for an awkward social life.

Ashildr/Me: I don't want your TARDIS. That's not what this is about. Rigsy come here, I'll remove your chronolock.
The Doctor: What is this Ashildr? You can't possibly think this is going to keep me here.
Ashildr/Me: It's not a restraint. It's a teleport bracelet.
Clara: What?
Ashildr/Me: I'll give you time to say goodbye, don't worry. No one will be hurt.

Pablo: I was just trying to find myself outside of this place. You know, I wanted to do great things. Instead I ended up working at the Value Stop.
Ash: Hey! You were in the electronics department! That's the big time.