Help me, Zombie-wan Kenobe. You're our only hope!


There was that one time her eyes turned red and she killed someone, but that was probably a one-off.


This the the best brain ever. I almost want to start killing magicians so it never ends.


Of course I want to sex you up, girl. You're very attractive, and I very much have a penis.


Dean: What makes the Grinder, the Grinder, is that he never gets by on just being the Grinder, he proves it. Every second, every day, with every decision. Absolute integrity.
Stewart: Well that's a lot of pressure.
Dean: I know, that's why he did heroin that one time.

Caitlin: You didn't see what I saw. Grodd's getting smarter. He's lonely and sad. He wants more apes like him.
Cisco: What are you saying? He wants kids? Because I'm pretty sure one telepathic grape ape is more than enough for this city.

Stewart: How am I going to trick him into helping me with the mechanic?
Claire: I don't know, how do I trick my dog into going to the vet? It's easy.

Dean: Does this favor in any way involve me using my celebrity for personal gain?
Stewart: Yes, but-
Dean: The answer is yes, I'm afraid my answer is no. I'd like to help but I've left that life behind, and I cannot imagine going back.
Stewart: It's been two days, Dean.

Stewart: You know Dean just because you walk away after you say stuff doesn't mean you made a point.
Dean Sr: But it really does help.

Sometimes you just gotta slow down to get back to where you want to be.


Well, he may not have his mother, but he's got two amazing fathers. Seemed like he needed both.


Harry: I am continually amazed by the similarites of our two worlds.
Joe: You got talking gorillas on your earth, too?
Harry: Oh yeah.
Joe: Whew. Remind me never to go there!