How on earth can you say "dirty sock" and "relax" in the same sentence?


Esposito: So you're going full hipster now.
Ryan: Have you started jarring artisanal pickles yet?

[about Sherlock] Fluent in three dozen languages, and he still hasn't seen Say Anything.


Joan: If what he does is so evil-
Sherlock: Not evil! Neutral. Like a shark, or a tsunami.

Close, but wrong cold-blooded reptile. My dinner date is my father. I can understand you confusing him with Clyde; *they* could be doppelgangers.


Morland: Was I expecting you?
Sherlock: Not to my knowledge. But I can't rule you you having foreseen it via the black arts.

Are you cooking, or did we get stampeded by a class of second graders?


You don't think they'd believe we carpooled?


Looks like we have some rats to catch.


We steal from others, but not from each other.


You see, this is why I don't go to family reunions. Aunt Lucille is always arguing with Buddy, Uncle Scott is drunk by noon, and someone's hand is always in the wrong cookie jar.


Fitz: I hate that you're always right.
Olivia: Me too.