You always think that I can't handle the tough stuff, but you know what? This time, Sarah, follow my lead.


Cosima: You know your clones, we call each other sister.
Kendall: Call yourselves what you want, you're just a bad copy of me.
Cosima: We're kind of over the whole bad copy thing. It's way more accurate for us to call you older sister.

Datak: What does that mad man want now?
Stahma: He wants us to blow up the St. Louis Arch.

How did you miss the car?

Rahm Tak

No, no, not now, daddy is reading


Come with me if you want to live


Dutch: Got any low level warrants I can knock out fast? Level 2s or 3s?
Bellus: Sure repos, transpos but shouldn't you concentrate on finishing your active warrant?
Dutch: What active warrant?
Bellus: The Level 5 warrant you signed on for twelve hours ago; one Kobee Andras.
Dutch: Bellus, Level 5s are kill work. I don't do those.

Dutch: Okay look, don't get excited yet, but I have a half ass plan.
John: I don't care if it's quarter ass. What's the plan?
Dutch: Bellus says the warrant was written by The Company.
John: How's that good news?
Dutch: Because it's a starting place. Look, The Company goons are in overdrive lately. Pree said it's because miners are talking strikes again, but I don't think so. I think they're looking for someone. I say we find them first, offering them to The Company in exchange for canceling Dav's warrant.
John: All before your warrant expires in 18 hours? C'mon...
Dutch: Finding people is what we do. We'll figure it out, always have.
John: Okay, where do we start?
Dutch: We need to go talk to God.

Dutch: Johnny what were you thinking?
John: Look, I'll admit I didn't think everything through, but there was a Level 5 out on him. I had to claim it before someone else did.
Dutch: By using my name.
John: Well I couldn't use mine. I'm not licensed for kill work; you are.

Dutch: Six years of working together, he's never wanted some 'me' time... Nah something's up.
Pree: Dutch, you work together, live together, do everything but sleep together and you're worried that he wants a little time apart. Bitch, how charming do you think you are?
Dutch: I know when Johnny's lying, Pree.

Alvis: When you do choose a side in this fight Dutch, I hope it's Westerley.
Dutch: Killjoys can't take sides. We give up all citizenship to join the R.A.C. You know that.
Alvis: Yeah I know you both seen too much of that to be possible much longer.

I am dead. Paul's shiny air-brushed chest on every billboard in the country?
